Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Adventures in Italy!

I am continuing to have fun traveling and exploring with my family.

This is the Pantheon building. It is almost 2,000 years old and has a whole in the top of ceiling.
Buon Natalie is what Italians say for Merry Christmas. This is a Pinocchio in front of a wood doll store. The story of Pinocchio is from Italy. 
This is the Trevi fountain. Mrs. G threw a coin into the fountain and made a wish. 
This is a view of Rome and the smallest country, Vatican City, from the top of a castle. 

Mrs. G and her sisters have enjoyed eating lots of gelato ice cream on this trip. 


  1. What Beautiful views. Happy New Year!!!

  2. These are such great photos. Thank you for letting us join you virtually!

  3. These are such great photos. Thank you for letting us join your virtually!


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