Sunday, January 5, 2014

Last days in Italy

It has been a fun trip but it is now time to come home and get back to the classroom.

This is the ancient town of Pompeii. A volcano erupted over 2,000 years ago and covered the whole town in ash.

I enjoyed eating my pizza in Naples. This is the city where pizza was first invented.

This is the colosseum. It was the first stadium built and was a major influence on the way all stadiums and arenas look today.  


  1. What I love about the Colosseum is that it has stood up to the test of time. Though it has influenced the way we build today there is no arena that has held up like this. It is amazing what the ancients could do with just man power and a dream.

  2. Looks beautiful. I have always wanted to visit Pompeii and the pizza looks delicious.

  3. Hi Mrs. Gauthier!
    Are there still cats in the colosseum? That's what I remember! I love your pictures.
    Mrs. Kloczko

  4. Hi! There were not cats at the colosseum. They were at other ruins though in Rome. Apparently, they live in these ruins and the cats are taken care of and protected by a group of people. Pompeii had tons of stray dogs. One of them became the adopted dog for the day. I was naming them all. One of the dogs, I named it Tullie, I wanted to bring home. My husband would not allow it nor would Rufus. =) Glad you like the photos. My students did also. I am going to bring in more when I sort through them all. Happy week back!

  5. Looks like fun!!! Wish I could go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~Madelyn


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