Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Our Guest Blogger: Zerlan
Zerlan is writing about the digital super heros our class has made. The super heros had a power related to the computer. Thanks Zerlan! I cannot wait to read more guest blogs. 

We did computer heroes. You get to make a hero that has a technology power. You can also name it like mine. My superhero's name is Picapower!!!! His buddy or sidekick picabot. :O "We destroy virus so the computer is not broken. I forgot that Picapower is a cyborg!!! So he can change his arm into a blaster!! So he shoots the virus then the virus goes in my base and I lock them up. That's my awesome thing to do!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Zerlan,
    Your blog reminds us of Avengers, the movie. They have lots of superheros.
    Mrs. Luhrsen's 1st graders


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