We love to read!!!!
Sharing a "mini book review". I hope to see a bunch in January! Make sure to read over winter break.
Lynn Ploudre's book
Snow Day. Students loved this book. It was great because we were able to visualize, find examples of alliteration and onomatopeias.
Check out her website at:
Reading back to back with one another. Listening to one another reading. Working on our fluency and expression.
A sweet moment: Checking out books from the library
Phil Tulga visits:
Phil Tulga came to STAR academy on 12/13. He is a professor from Sacramento State. Phil Tulga spoke with the students about "Reading for Meaning". He highlighted these three strategies: inferencing, predicting, and sequencing. He taught them about these reading strategies through musical instruments from around the world, retelling a classic story by Rudyard Kipling, and using sound stories.
Students loved this assembly!! The energy in the room was amazing! So many smiles, laughs and engagement!!
Check out his website at
It has lots of great resources and games for your children!